Martin, Robert Montgomery.

The History, antiquities, topography, and statistics of eastern India / Robert Montgomery Martin. - New York : Cambridge, 2012. - 560p - Cambridge library collection. .

3 Puraniya, Ronggopoor, and Assam / Robert Montgomery Martin. 713p 1 Behar (Patna city) and Shahabad / Robert Montgomery Martin. 560p 02/01/17 Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, and Dinajepoor / Robert Montgomery Martin. 581p 02/02/17 Bhagulpoor, Guruckpoor, and Dinajepoor / Robert Montgomery Martin. 582-1019p


9781108048453 Lb.127.00 9781108046503 9781108046527 9781108048446

12478 [old SOUL v1.0 record id]

History - India

RR954 / M365h